, professor of eloquence in the university of Padua, was a native a of Candia,
, professor of eloquence in the university
of Padua, was a native a of Candia, where he was born in
1553, and whence he was brought in his infancy to Gubio
in the duchy of Urbino. He was in the society of Jesuits
for some time, but quitted them upon their refusing him
permission to publish a commentary on the banquet of
Plato. He was fond of critical controversy, and maintained
a dispute with the academy della Crusca of Florence, publishing a treatise against their Italian dictionary, under the
title of “Anti-Crusca.
” He had likewise another contest
with the same academy with respect to Tasso, whose defence he undertook, and published two pieces on this subject. In one of these he compares Tasso to Virgil, and
Ariosto to Homer, in some particulars giving Tasso the
preference to these two ancients: in the other he answers
the critical censures which had been made against this author. He published also some discourses upon the Pastor
Fido of Guajini. These pieces were in Italian; but he
has left a greater number of works in Latin, among which
are, 1. “Commentarii in 6 lib. priores Virgilii.
” 2. “
Commentarii in Aristotelis poeticarn et lib. Rhetor.
” 3. “Cominentarii in Sullustium.
” 4. “Platonis Poetica ex dialogis
” 5. “Dispensatio de Baronii annalibus.
” 6. “Disputatio de historia.
” 7. “Disputatio de auxiliis.
” 8. “Orationes 75.
” 9. “Decades tres in Platonis Timeeum;
” all
collected in 5 vols. fol. Venice, 1622. He died the J 2t'i
of February 1625. He was undoubtedly a man of extensive learning, but loquacious and prolix.