, secretary to the society of antiquaries, and rector of the united parishes
, secretary to the society of antiquaries,
and rector of the united parishes of St. Mary-hill and St.
Andrew Hubbard, in the city of London, was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, about 1743, and educated at Lincoln
college, Oxford, where he took his bachelor’s degree, but
left college in 1774, on being presented by Matthew Ridley, esq. to the curacy of Cramlington, a chapel of ease
to St. Nicholas at Newcastle, from which it is distant about
eight miles. While at the university, he published a poem
“On Illicit Love; written among the Ruins of Godstow
” Observations on Popular Antiquities, including the whole of Mr. Bourne’s Antiquitates Vulgares,
with Addenda to every chapter of that work; as also an
Appendix, containing such articles on the subject as have
been omitted by that author,
” 8vo. This work is dated
from Westgate-street, Tyne, where the author then resided. He afterwards continued to augment his materials
by subsequent and more extensive researches, and left a
much enlarged edition in ms. which is now in the hands of
an eminent antiquary, and is intended for publication.
About the time of the publication of his “Popular Antiquities,
” he was admitted a member of the society of Antiquaries, and in 1784 was presented by the duke of Northumberland, who, if we mistake not, had been his earliest
friend and patron, to the rectory of St. Mary-hill. In the
same year he was elected resident secretary to the Society
of Antiquaries, on the death of Dr. Morell, the duties of
which office he performed with uncommon ability, and to
the entire satisfaction of the society, who continued to
re-elect him annually until his death.
nnual salary of 50l. which he resigned in 1739. In the same year (1736) he succeeded Dr. Stukeley as secretary to the society of antiquaries, which office he resigned in 1741
, a native of Scotland, was an
excellent draughtsman, and a good Grecian, who resided
many years in Italy, visited most parts of that country, and
had also travelled into France, Germany, &c. In 1736
he was appointed secretary to the society for the encouragement of learning, with an annual salary of 50l. which
he resigned in 1739. In the same year (1736) he succeeded Dr. Stukeley as secretary to the society of antiquaries, which office he resigned in 1741 to Mr. Joseph
Ames, and was for a short time secretary to the Egyptian
club, composed of gentlemen who had visited Egypt, viz.
lord Sandwich, Dr. Shaw, Dr. Pococke, &c. In 1741 he
went to Carolina with governor Glen, where, besides a
grant of land, he had several offices, such as register of
the province, &c. and died about 1750, a justice of the
peace, leaving a handsome estate to his family. He published, 1. “Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey
through most parts of the counties of Scotland, in two
parts, with 66 copper-plates, 1726,
” folio. 2. “Additions and Corrections, by way of supplement, to the Itinerarium Septentrionale; containing several dissertations on,
and descriptions of, Roman antiquities, discovered in Scotland since publishing the said Itinerary. Together with
observations on other ancient monuments found in the
North of England, never before published, 1732,
” folio.
A Latin edition of the “Itinerarium,
” including the Supplement, was printed in Holland, in 1731. 3. “The Lives
of pope Alexander VI. and his son Caesar Borgia, comprehending the wars in the reign of Charles VIII. and Lewis
XII. kings of France; and the chief transactions and revolutions in Italy, from 1492 to 1516. With an appendix of
original pieces referred to in the work, 1729,
” folio. 4.
“A complete History of the ancient Amphitheatres, more
particularly regarding the Architecture of these buildings,
and in particular that of Verona, by the marquis Scipio
Maffei; translated from the Italian, 1730,
” 8vo, afterwards enlarged in a second edition. 5. “An Essay towards explaining the Hieroglyphical Figures on the Coffin of the ancient Mummy belonging to capt. William
Lethieullier, 1737,
” folio, with cuts. 6. “Twenty-five
plates of all the Egyptian Mummies, and other Egyptian
Antiquities in England,
” about
ter of books by them from the year 1471 to 1500. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, F. R. and A. Ss. and secretary to the society of antiquaries. Considerably augmented, both
Having now succeeded to his utmost wishes as a vender
of charts and prints, he resolved to retire from business,
and with this view purchased a country residence at dieshunt in Hertfordshire, and turned his whole attention to
editing “Ames’s Typographical Antiquities,
” the first volume of which he at length published in 1785, in 4to, under the title of “Typographical Antiquities, or an Historical Account of the Origin and Progress of Printing in
Great Britain and Ireland containing memoirs of our ancient Printers, and a register of books by them from the
year 1471 to 1500. Begun by the late Joseph Ames, F. R.
and A. Ss. and secretary to the society of antiquaries.
Considerably augmented, both in the Memoirs and number of books. By William Herbert of Cheshunt, Herts.
The second volume appeared in 1786, and the third and
last in 1790. The reception of this work by the public
was proportionate to its utility; but he did not live long
to enjoy the fruit of his labours. He was seventy-two
years of age when -he published the last volume, and yet
went on improving the work, with a view to a future edition. At length exhausted by constant mental as well as
bodily activity, he gradually sunk under the accumulated
afflictions of disease and debility attendant on age, and
died March 18, 1795, in his seventy-seventh year. His
body was interred in Cheshunt church-yard. Mr. Herbert
a man of great integrity, simplicity, and modesty, but
his manner was somewhat odd and peculiar. His valuable
library was scattered at his decease, by a priced catalogue.
These particulars of his life we have selected from the fuller account given of him, by his able successor Mr. DuV
din, whose first two volumes of the new edition afford the
well-grounded hope that we may say of him, as he has of
Herbert, that “no single country can boast of such an acquisition to its history of ancient literature as our own;
” in
his typographical labours.