, so called from the trade of a fuller, which he exercised in his
, so called from the trade of a fuller,
which he exercised in his monastic state, intruded himself into the see of Antioch, in the fifth century, and
after having been several times deposed and condemned
on account of the bitterness of his opposition to the council of Chalcedon, was at last fixed in it, in the year 482,
by the authority of the emperor Zeno, and the favour of
Acacius, bishop of Constantinople, Among the innovations which he introduced to excite discord in the church,
was an alteration in the famous hymn which the Greeks
called Tris-agion. After the words “O God most holy,
” he ordered the following phrase to be added in the
eastern churches, “who has suffered for us upon the
” His design in this was to raise a new sect, and
also to fix more deeply in the minds of the people, the
doctrine of one nature in Christ, to which he was zealously
attached. His adversaries, and especially Fcelix, the Roman pontiff, interpreted this addition in a quite different
manner, and charged him with maintaining, that all the
three persons of the Godhead were crucified and hence
his followers were called Theopaschites. To put an end
to the controversy, the emperor Zeno published in the
year 482 the “Henoticon,
” or decree of onion, which
was designed to reconcile the parties, and Fullo signed it;
but the effects of the contest disturbed the church for a
long time after his death, which happened in the year 486.