, so named from the town of Allais in Languedoc, where he received
, so named from the town
of Allais in Languedoc, where he received his birth, travelled to England in his youth. In 1665, we find him on
board the fleet commanded by the duke of York. He returned to France, where he taught the English and French
languages. His works are: 1. “A Methodical French
” An Abridgment of that
” in English, The History of
the Sevarambians,
” a work divided into two general parts;
the first printed in 1677, 2 vols. 12mo; the second in 1678
and 79, in 3 vols. 12mo. It was reprinted in 1716, at Amsterdam, in 2 vols. 12mo, small type. It is a political romance, which was thought to be dangerous, and which in
many places is only ridiculous. There are other works of
Allais, but not held in much estimation. Marchand appears to have a higher opinion of his merit than any other
biographer, and has given a very prolix analysis of his history of the Sevarambians.