, son of John Ryves of Damery Court, or, as Fuller says, of Little
, son of John Ryves of Damery
Court, or, as Fuller says, of Little Langton, in Dorsetshire, was born in the latter end of the XVIth century, '
and was educated at Winchester-school, whence he was
admitted of New college, Oxford, in 1596, became fellow
in 1598, and applying himself to the study of the civil law,
commenced doctor in that faculty in 1610. He was a celebrated, civilian in doctors’ commons and the court of admiralty, and when he had established his fame in England,
was, in 1618, preferred to be one of the masters in chancery, and judge of the faculties and prerogative court in
Ireland, where he was held in equal esteem for his
knowledge in the laws. Upon king Charles I. coming to the
crown, he was made his advocate, and knighted: and,
when the rebellion broke out, he was very firm to the royal
cause, and although advanced in life, engaged in several
battles, and received several wounds in his majesty’s service. He was one of the assistants to the king at the treaty
of peace in the Isle of Wight. Sir Thomas Ryves was not
only a very eminent civilian, and a good common lawyer,
but likewise very accomplished in polite learning; and,
particularly, wrote in Latin with unusual delicacy and correctness. He died in 1651, and was buried in St. Clement
Danes, near Temple Bar, London. His works are, 1.
“The Vicar’s Plea; or, a competency of Means due to
Vicars out of the several parishes, notwithstanding their
” This book is written with a great deal of
learning and strength of argument. 2. “iiegiminis Anglicani in Hibernia Defensio, adversus Analecien, lib. 3,
London, 1624, 4to. This was the answer to a book called
“Analecta Sacra,
” supposed to be written by David Roth,
titular bishop of Ossory, a good antiquary, according to
Usher, but a bigoted Roman catholic, if the author of this
work. Sir Thomas Ryves’s object is, to vindicate the conduct of the Irish government as far as respects the Roman
catholics, and his book includes much curious information
respecting the state of opinions at that time. 3. “Jmperatoris Justiniani defensio adversus Alemannum,
” Lond.
” Lond. Historiae Navalis antiquae libri quatuor,
ibid. Historian Navalis mediae libri tres,