, son to John Jerome, duke of Atri, was born at Naples in 1542, and
, son to John Jerome, duke of
Atri, was born at Naples in 1542, and in 1581 was elected
general of the Jesuits, in which station he conducted himself with great mildness and prudence, and died Jan. 31,
1615. He left several religious works: among others, “Industrie ad curandos animae morhos,
” Paris, Manuel
des Superieurs.
” He wrote also Meditations in Latin, on
the forty-fourth and ninety-tnird Psalms. His most celebrated work drawn up for the use of his order, entitled
“Ratio Studiorum,
” and published at Rome in Epistoiae Prtepositorum Generalium, ad Patres et Frutres societatis Jesu. Instructio ad
augendum spiritum in societaie,
” Rome, 4 615, 8vo.