, son to sir Thomas Edmondes, mentioned as the patron of the preceding
, son to sir Thomas Edmondes,
mentioned as the patron of the preceding sir Thomas, was
born in Shropshire in 1566 and in 1585 became either
clerk or chorister of All Souls’ college took one degree
in arts, and then was chosen fellow of the house in 1590.
Four years after, he proceeded in that faculty; and then
leaving the college, was, mostly by his father’s endeavours,
made successively secretary, as it is said, for the French
tongue to queen Elizabeth about 1601, remembrancer of
the city of London, master of the requests, muster-master
at Briel, in Zealand, one of the clerks of the council, and
in 1617, a knight. He was a learned person, was generally
skilled in all arts and sciences, and famous as well for military as for politic affairs; and therefore esteemed by all an
ornament to his degree and profession. He published
“Observations on the five first books of Caesar’s Commentaries of the civil wars,
” London, Observations on the sixth and seventh books of Caesar’s Commentaries,
” &c. London, Observations on
Caesar’s Commentaries of the civil wars, in three books,