, surnamed Cceriolanus, was a native of Valentia in Spain, and flourished
, surnamed Cceriolanus, was a
native of Valentia in Spain, and flourished in the sixteenth
century. He studied at Paris under Talaeus, Tiirnebus,
and Ramus, and afterwards came to lx>uvain, where he
published a treatise “On Rhetoric,
” and another in which
he asserted that the scriptures ought to be translated into
the vulgar tongue. It was entitled “Bononia,
” sive de
libris sacris in vernaculam linguam convertendis, &c.“Basil, 1556, 8vo. It was written, however, upon too liberal principles for the council of Trent, and was accordingly
inserted in their
” Index Expurgatorius.“It otherwise
would have brought him into trouble if he had not found a
protector in the emperor Charles V. who was informed of
his learning, piety, and candour. This monarch sent him.
into the Netherlands, and placed him with his son Philip,
who made him his historian. Furius remained with this
prince during his life, and having accompanied him to the
states of Arragon, died at Valladolid in 1592. He appears to have employed his utmost endeavours in order to
pacify the troubles in the Netherlands. He wrote another
” Del Conseio y Gonseiero," which was much
esteemed, and twice translated into Latin, 1618 and 1663,