, or Alain de L‘Isle, surnamed the Universal Doctor, from his extensive knowledge, was born
, or Alain de L‘Isle, surnamed
the Universal Doctor, from his extensive knowledge, was
born about the middle of the twelfth century, not at Lille
in Flanders, as most biographers have asserted, but either
at L’Isle, in the Comtat-Venaissain, according to the abbe
Le Beuf, or in the island or peninsula of Madoc in the Bordelais. In all the accounts we have of him, he seems to be
mistaken for the preceding. He appears to have taught
theology in the university of Paris; but it is not true that
he ever was a lay-brother of the Cistertians, or fed the
sheep belonging to that abbey, or that he was called to
Rome to assist at a general council. He died in the early
part of the thirteenth century, in the abbey of the Cistertians, whither, after the example of many distinguished
persons of his time, he retired to pass the remainder of his
days. He was buried in the abbey with an inscription of
seven lines, the last four of which Casimir Oudin, the ecclesiastical biographer and historian, discovered to have
been added long after his death, and with a view to authenticate the stories that he had been a lay-brother, &c. But
although our accounts of him are imperfect and confused,
it appears that he enjoyed the esteem and admiration of
his contemporaries, and that it was usual to say, “To have
seen Alanus, is enough.
” Sufficiat vobis vidisse Alanum.
Among his works are, 1. “Anti-Claudianus, seu de viro
optimo, et in omni virtute perfecto, lib. ix. Carmine,
” Basil, De planctu naturæ
contra Sodomiæ vitium,
” published with notes by Leo
Allatius. 3. “Contra Albigenses, Waldenses, Judæos, et
” Paris, Dicta de Lapide philosophico,
” Leyden, Parables
” have
been translated into French, Paris,