, the Ovid of Wales, and one of the most famous Welsh bards, was born
, the Ovid of Wales, and one of
the most famous Welsh bards, was born in 1340 at Brogydin, in the county of Cardigan. He was brought up in the
family of Llewelyn ap Guilym Fychan, styled lord of Cardigan, at Emlyn, until he was fifteen years of age; at
which period he removed, after a short stay with his parents, and settled as steward and private tutor in the family
of Ivor Hael. Like other itinerant bards of that age, he
often visited different parts of the principality, and was so
universally admired, that he has been claimed by the men
of Anglesea as their countryman; and was generally
known by the name of David of Glamorgan, and the nightingale of Teivi vale, in Cardiganshire. He died about
1400. Excepting music and a few Latin words, which he
might pick up at mass, it cannot be ascertained from his
works, that he had any acquaintance with the sciences or
learned languages; for his poems consist chiefly of lively
descriptions of nature, written in pure unadulterated
Welsh. His “Poems
” were published in