, the able defender of infant-baptism, was born in 1646, but where
, the able defender of infant-baptism,
was born in 1646, but where educated, or any further particulars of his early life, are not upon record. He was
vicar of Shoreham in Kent, where he died in 1728, at the
age of eighty-two, and was considerably advanced when
he slept forth as the champion of infant baptism, in opposition to Dr. John Gale, the ablest writer of his time on the
baptist side. Mr. Wall published his “History of Infant
” in Reflections
” on it (See Gale.) In 1719, a friendly conference
was held on the subject between him and Mr. Wall, which
ended without any change of opinion on either side. Mr.
Wall, in the same year, published his “Defence of the
History of Infant Baptism,
” which was accounted a performance of such ability and so decisive on the question,
that the university of Oxford, to mark their high opinion
of the book, and of the talents of the author, conferred on
him the degree of D. D. in the following year. After his
death were published “Critical Notes on the Old Testament, wherein the present Hebrew text is explained, and
in many places amended, from the ancient versions, more
particularly from that of the LXX. To which is prefixed,
a large introduction, adjusting the authority of the Masoretic Bible, and vindicating it from the objections of Mr.
Whiston, and the author of the ‘ Grounds and Reasons
of the Christian Religion.’ By the late learned William
Wall, D. D. author of the
” History of Infant Baptism,"
1733, 2 vols. 8vo.