, the author of a well-known dictionary of the English language, resided
, the author of a well-known dictionary of the English language, resided principally at Stepney, and there probably died, June 27, 1742, leaving no
memorials of his personal history or character. In religion he is said to have been a Sabbatarian. His life, however, appears to have been spent in useful pursuits. His
English dictionary, printed first in the early part of the last
century, in 8vo (edit. 4th, 1728), was long the only one in
use, and still continues a favourite with a certain class of
readers. It was afterwards enlarged into 2 vols. 8vo, and
some years after printed in folio, with additions in the
mathematical part by G. Gordon, in the botanical by Phil.
Miller, and in the etymological by T. Lidiard, the whole
revised by Dr. Josepii Nicol Scott, a physician. Of this
there was an improved edition in 1759, about which time
the fifteenth edition of the 8vo was published. The 8vo,
about twenty-five years ago, was revised by Dr. Harwood.
Bailey also published a “Dictionarium domesticum, or a
household dictionary,
” The Antiquities of London
and Westminster,
” 24mo, 1726, an useful abridgment;
“An introduction to the English Tongue, two parts;
” and
school editions of Ovid’s Metamorphosis, Ovid’s Epistles,
Justin, Erasmus’s Dialogues, Phædrus’s Fables, and a book
of Exercises, which are all still in use.