, the descendant of a noble family, was born at Bourges in 1655, and
, the descendant of a noble
family, was born at Bourges in 1655, and came to Paris in
his youth, where he was trained up to business, and obtained the place of receiver-general of the finances at
Rochelle. During this employment he found leisure to
indulge his taste for polite literature, and the prince of
Conti having heard of his merits made him one of his secretaries in 1687. The prince also sent him into Svvisserland on political business, and the king being afterwards
informed of his talents, employed him in the same capacity. La Chapelle disclosed his knowledge of the politics
of Europe in a work printed at Paris in 1703, under the
disguise of Basil, in 8 vols. 12mo, entitled “Lettres d'un
Suisse a un Francois,
” explaining the relative interest of
the powers at war. He wrote also “Memoires historiques
sur la Vie d'Armand de Bourbon, prince de Conti,
” 16$9,
4to, and, if we are not mistaken, translated and published
in English in 1711, 8vo. He also wrote poetry, and some
dramas, in which last he was an unsuccessful imitator of
Racine. In 1688 he was admitted a member of the French
academy. He died at Paris in 1723.
, an Italian cardinal and antiquary, the descendant of a noble family of Bergamo, was born there in 1685,
, an Italian cardinal
and antiquary, the descendant of a noble family of Bergamo, was born there in 1685, He studied at Milan
and Pavja, and made considerable progress in the knowledge of the civil and canon law. He went afterwards
to Rome, where he held several ecclesiastical preferments,
and in each was admired as much for his integrity as knowledge. Benedict XIV. who well knew his merit, was yet
averse to raising him to the purple, on account of some
disputes between them which took place in 1750. Yet it
is said that Furietti might have received this high honour at
that time, if he would have parted with his two superb
centaurs, of Egyptian marble, which he found in 1736
among the ruins of the ancient town of Adrian in Tivoli,
and which the pope very much wanted to place in the museum Capitolinum. Furietti, however, did not ehuse to
give them up, and assigned as a reason: “I can, if I please,
be honoured with the purple, but I know the court of
Rome, and I do not wish to be called cardinal Centaur /
, an eminent prelate, the descendant of a noble family in Westphalia, was born at Bilstein
, an eminent prelate,
the descendant of a noble family in Westphalia, was born
at Bilstein in 1626. He studied at Cologne, where he
contracted an intimate friendship with Chigi, who was
then nuncio, and afterwards pope. During the cardinalate of Chigi, he invited f urstemberg to reside with him,
whom he raised to the bishopric of Paderborn in 1661,
when he himself was seated in the papal chair, under the
title of Alexander VII. The high reputation of the bishop
attracted the notice of Vat) Galer:, who appointed him his,
coadjutor, and whom he succeeded in 1678, when he. was
declared by the pope apostolical vicar of all the north of
Kurope. He was. a zealous catholic, and anxious for the
conversion of those who were not already within the pale
of the church; but at the same time he did not neglect
the cultivation of the belles lettres, eitper by his own
efforts or those of many learned men whom he patronized.
He died in 1683, As an author he collected a number of
Mss. and monuments of antiquity, and gave to the world
valuable work relative to those subjects, entitled “Momimenta Paderbornensia.
” He al*o printed at Rome a.
collection of Latin poems, entitled “Septem Virorutn.
illusirium Poemata.
” In this work there were many poems
of his own, written witU much purity. A magnificent
edition of these poems was published in the same year in
which he died, at the Louvre, at the expence of the king
of France.
, an eminent civilian at Oxford, was the son of Matthew Gentilis, an Italian physician, the descendant of a noble family of the Marcbe of Ancona, who left
, an eminent civilian at Oxford,
was the son of Matthew Gentilis, an Italian physician, the
descendant of a noble family of the Marcbe of Ancona, who
left his country about the end of the sixteenth century, on
account of his having embraced the protestant religion.
Taking with him his sons Albericus and Scipio, he went
into the province of Carniola, where he received his doctor’s degree, and then into England, after his eldest son
Albericus, who was born in 1550. He was educated chiefly
in the university of Perugia, where, in 1572, he was made
doctor of civil law. He came into England probably about
1580, as in that year he appears to have been kindly received by several persons here; and among others, by
Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, then chancellor of the
university of Oxford, who gave him letters of recommendation to the university, stating that he had left his country
for the sake of his religion, and that it was his desire to
bestow some time in reading, and other exercises of his
profession, at the university, &c. He accordingly went
to Oxford, and by favour of Dr. Donne, principal of New
inn Hall, had rooms allowed him there, and at first was
maintained by contributions from several colleges, but afterwards had an allowance from the common funds of the
university. In the latter end of the same year, 1580, he
was incorporated LL. D. and for some years employed his
time on his writings, most of which were published at
London or Oxford. He resided also some time either in.
Corpus or Christ Church, and, as Wood says, “became
the flower of the university for his profession.
” In 1587
queen Elizabeth gave him the professorship of civil law,
on which he lectured for twenty-four years with great xeputation. Hre he died, in the latter end of March or the
beginning of April 1611, although others say at London,
June 19, 1608, and was buried near his father, who also
died in England, but where is uncertain. Wood’s account
seems most probable. He left a widow, who died at Rickmansworth in 1648, and two sons, one of which will be
noticed in the next article. Wood enumerates twentyseven volumes or tracts written by him, all in Latin, and
mostly on points of jurisprudence, on which, at that time,
his opinion appears to have had great weight. Grotius
praises and acknowledges his obligations to his three books
“De Jure Belli
” and his “Lectiones Virgilianae,
” addressed to his son, prove that he had cultivated polite literature with success.