, the first of a family of French Calvinists, celebrated for learning
, the first of a family of French
Calvinists, celebrated for learning and piety, was the son
of N. Basnage, minister of Norwich in England, and afterwards of Carentan in Normandy, and was born in 1580.
After studying divinity, he succeeded his father as minister
of Carentan, and remained in that sacred charge the whole
of his life, although invited to Roan, and some other more
considerable churches, and even permitted by the national
synod of Charenton to change his situation. He used to
say that his first church was his spouse, from which he
ought not to be separated unless by death. At the abovementioned synod, he satin 1623, as deputy from the
province of Normandy, but when named again in 1631, by
the same province, the king forbad his going to the synod,
and deprived him of his church, until the remonstrances of
the assembly induced his majesty to restore him. In 1637,
he presided as moderator of the national synod of Alenc.on,
and contributed very essentially to preserve moderation during a crisis peculiarly important to the reformed church
of France. In 1644, being chosen assistant moderator to
the national synod of Charenton, he was deputed by them
to the queen-dowager, who received him with marks of
favour. He entered into the usual controversies with Lescrivain, Draconis, and other adherents of the church of
Rome. His principal work, “Treatise on the Church,
printed at Rochelle in deputy
from all the churches of France.