, or De Hondt, the nephew of Peter Canisius, first provincial of the Jesuits in
, or De Hondt, the nephew of
Peter Canisius, first provincial of the Jesuits in Germany,
who died in 1597, was born at Nimeguen, and became not
only a celebrated lawyer, but a general scholar of great
reputation, particularly in ecclesiastical antiquities. After
studying at the university of Louvain, he was appointed
professor of canon law in that of Ingolstadt, which situation he retained until his death in 1610. His professional
writings were principally, 1. “Summa juris Canonici.
2. “Commentarium in regulas juris.
” 3. “Praelectiones
” &c. all collected and republished by Andrew
Bouvet in “Opera Canonica Canisii,
” Louvain, Antiqute lectiones,
” Thesaurus monumentorum ecclesiasticorum &
” &c. Amsterdam,