, the supposed author of a law work of great reputation and authority,
, the supposed author of a
law work of great reputation and authority, was born in
1567, in Oxfordshire, of the family of the Wentworths, of
Northamptonshire. He was entered of University college,
Oxford, in 1584, and after remaining three years there>
removed to Lincoln’s Tnn, studied law, and was admitted
to the bar. In September 1607 he was elected recorder of
Oxford, and in 1611 was Lent reader at Lincoln’s Inn.
He also sat in several parliaments in the reigns of James
I. and Charles I. for the city of Oxford. Wood says that
in parliament he shewed himself “a troublesome and factious person,
” and was more than once imprisoned. According to the same writer, he behaved so turbulently at
Oxford, that he was discommoned with disgrace, but was
afterwards restored. His restless spirit, however, returning, his friends advised him to retire, which he did to
Henley. Some time after he went to London, and died
in or near Lincoln’s Inn, in Sept. 1627. Such is Wood’s
account. The work attributed to him is entitled “The office and duty of Executors,
” &c. which, according to Wood>
was published in 1612, 8vo, and has been often reprinted;
the last edition in 1774, revised, with additions by the late
serjeant Wilson. But there seems reason to doubt whether
Wentworth was the original writer, for it has been ascribed
by several authors to judge Dodderidge.