, the youngest son of sir T. Denton, of Hillesden, in Buckinghamshire,
, the youngest son of sir T. Denton, of Hillesden, in Buckinghamshire, was born at Stow,
in April 1605. He received his education at Magdalenhall, in Oxford, where he was initiated into the practice of
medicine, under Dr. Henry Ashworth. In 1634 he took
his degree of doctor, and going to reside in London, he
was appointed physician to the king Charles I. in 1636,
and attended his majesty to Scotland in 1639. During
the troubles which succeeded, he continued to practise in
London, without interfering in the factions of the time;
and on the restoration of Charles II. was made one of his
physicians in ordinary, and was soon after admitted fellow
of the college of physicians. He lived to the accession of
king William and queen Mary, to whom, in 168D, he dedicated “Jus Regiminis,
” being a jnsiiticntion of defensive arms in general, shewing that the revolution was the
just right of the kingdom. He died at his house in Coventgarden, on the yth of May, 1691, and was buried at Hillesden. His daughter was married to George Nicholas, son of
sir Edward Nicholas, sometime secretary of state under the
kings Charles I. and II. His works are all on political subjects 1. “Horie Subseciva?, or a treatise shewing the original, grounds, reasons, and provocations, necessitating our
sanguinary Laws against Papists, made in the days of queen
” The Burnt Child dreads the
Fire, or an examination of the merits of the Papists, relating
to England, mostly from their own pens, in justification
of the late act of parliament for preventing dangers which
may happen from popish recusants,
” London, Jus Cassaris et Ecclesiae vere dicta?,
” An Apology for the
Liberty of the Press