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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

was a noted cavalier in the reign of king Charles I. He was born

, was a noted cavalier in the reign of king Charles I. He was born at a place called Tremare in Cornwall. During the heat of the civil wars he took refuge in Holland, where, being strongly attached to the Muses, he had an opportunity of enjoying their society, and pursuing his study in peace and privacy. He died in 1662. He was a very great admirer of the French poets, particularly Corneille and Quinault, on whose works he has built the plans of four out of the six plays which he wrote. The titles of his dramatic works are, 1. “Phoenix in her Flames.” 2. “Polyeuctes or, The Martyr.” 3. “Horatius.” 4. “Inchanted Lovers.” 5. “Noble Ingratitude.” 6. “Amorous Phantasm.” All those, except the first, were written during the usurpation. He translated from the French the first and third volumes of “The Innocent Lady, or Illustrious Innocents.” But the most considerable of his translations, was “A Relation in form of a Journal of the voyage and residence of Charles II. in Holland from May 25, to June 2, 1660,” fol. finely printed, with good engravings of the ceremonies, and several copies of bad verses by the translator.