, son to the preceding, was admitted into Trinity college, Oxford, 1685; but it does not
, son to the preceding, was
admitted into Trinity college, Oxford, 1685; but it does
not appear that he took any degree. He continued his
father’s “Angliae Notitia,
” or “Present State,
” as long
as he lived, and it was continued after his death until 1755,
which, we believe, is the last edition. He translated, 1.
from French and Spanish, “The manner of making Tea,
Coffee, and Chocolate, London,
” A Treasure of Health,
” London,
The Arguments of the books
and chapters of the Old and New Testament, with practical observations written originally in French, by the rev.
Mr. Ostervald, professor of divinity, and one of the ministers of the church at Neufchatel in Swisserland, and by
him presented to the society for promoting Christian
” Lond. The Lives of
the French Philosophers, translated from the French of M.
de Fontenelle, republished since in 1721, under the title
” Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris,
epitomized, with t[ie lives of the late members of that society,“8vo. 5.
” The Religious Philosopher; or, the
right use of contemplating the works of the Creator, &c.
translated from the original Dutch of Dr. Nieuwentyt,“Lond. 1713, &c. 3 vols. 8vo, reprinted several times since
in 8vo, and once in 4to. 6.
” The History of the Reformation in and about the Low Countries, translated from the
Dutch of Gerrard Brandt,“Lond. 1721, &c. 4 vols. fol.
” The Lord’s Prayer in Dissertations historical, critical, theological, and moral, on the most memorable events of the
Old and New Testaments; wherein the spirit of the sacred
writings is shewn, their authority confirmed, and the sentiments of the primitive fathers, as well as the modern,
critics, with regard to the difficult passages therein, considered and compared; vol. I. comprising the events related
in the Books of Moses to which are added, chronological
tables, fixing the date of each event, and connecting the
several dissertations together,
” one Chamberlayne, secretary to the
reformers, and to the committee for propagating religion
in the Indies.
” There are some of tylr. Chamberlayne’s
letters in bishop Nicolson’s “Epistolary Correspondence
lately published. The bishop wrote a preface to Mr. Chamberlayne’s “Lord’s Prayer in 100 Languages.
remained about a year, and then went to Dublin, where he was at school for a year longer. In 1656 he was admitted into Trinity-college in that city, of which he was
* In this more liberal age it will iise of charcoal, instead of pen and
Scarcely be credited that this youth ink, which he had not money to purwas forced to use such pape< as yeung chase; and then, when h^ came to
gentlewomen had covered their work school, to borrow pen and ink of his
with, and thrown away as no longer fit school-fellows to tit his exercises for
for their use, he having no other to his master’s sight.
write his exercises on and to make
and Hemley in Suffolk, sent for him, discharged his debts,
and assisted him in his studies. With him he remained
about a year, and then went to Dublin, where he was at
school for a year longer. In 1656 he was admitted into
Trinity-college in that city, of which he was successively
chosen scholar and fellow. But in 1666 he quitted his fellowship, in order to avoid going into holy orders, for by
the statutes of that college, the fellows are obliged to take
orders when they are masters of arts of three years standing. The learned bishop Jer. Taylor offered to use his interest to procure a dispensation of the statute, but Mr,
Dodwell refused to accept of it, lest it should be construed
into a precedent injurious afterwards to the college. The
reasons given for his declining the ministerial function
were, 1. The great weight of that office, and the severe
account which the ministers of Christ have to give to their
Lord and Master. 2. His natural bashfulness, and humble
opinion, and diffidence of himself; though he was, unquestionably, very well qualified in point of learning.
3. That he thought he could do more service to religion,
and the church, by his writings, whilst he continued a layman, than if he took orders; for then the usual objections
made against clergymen’s writings on those subjects, viz.
“That they plead their own cause, and are biassed by
” would be entirely removed.