, brother of the preceding, was also a native of Lyons, and born in 1699. Like his brother he
, brother of the preceding, was
also a native of Lyons, and born in 1699. Like his brother he was a practitioner of physic, and eminent for his
botanical skill and researches, and was one of the first botanists who aimed at a natural system of arrangement.
He was member of various learned academies in Europe;
curator of the plants of the royal garden at Paris, and was
invited by the king himself to superintend the arrangement
of a botanical garden at Trianon. He was highly esteemed
by his royal master, and enjoyed, what was no less honourable, the friendship and confidence of Linnæus. He
had numerous pupils, by whom he was much beloved, and
died in possession of universal esteem in 1777, in the
seventy-ninth year of his age. His only publications were,
an edition of Tournefort on the plants which grow near
Paris, 1725, 2 vols. 12mo; and “L'ami de Fhumanite, ou,
Conseils cTun bon citoyen a sa nation,
” octavo, printed
after his death. Although a first-rate botanist, he was deterred by excess of modesty from giving his ideas to the
world. His nephew, the present A. L. de Jussieu, has
given us a plan of the method, according to which he arranged the garden of Trianon in 1759, and which, in fact,
laid the foundation of his own celebrated work, published
in 1789. The Jussixa, of Linnreus, was so named by that
eminent botanist in honour of these two brothers. There
was a third brother, however, the youngest, who was born
in 1704, and in 1735 went to Peru, in the capacity of a
botanist, with the academicians sent there to measure a
degree. After continuing in that country thirty-six years,
he returned to EVance in very bad health, and almost in a
state of childhood, and died in 1779. Some account of
his travels and discoveries may be seen in Memoirs of the
French Academy; and it was at one time thought that his
nephew was preparing an account for publication, but we
know not that it has yet appeared.