, son of the preceding, was born Nov. 22, 1572. Aftet having received the principles of
, son of the preceding, was born
Nov. 22, 1572. Aftet having received the principles of
education in the college of Itzehoe, which he left at the age
of sixteen, he passed rive years in the college of Luneburgh, and went from that to Wittemherg, where he distinguished himself by the able defence of his theses. In
1595, he was called home, and made joint rector of the
college of Krempen, and afterwards chosen pastor of the
church of that place. He died May 8, 1644. aged 72
years and six months. His works, in Latin, are, 1. “Christianus, hoc est, de nomine, ortu, &c. Christianorum,
Leipsic, Pericopa pentateuchi biblica, triglossometrica,
” &c. De diversis ministrorum. gradibus contra Bezam.
” 4. “Defensiotractationis,
&c. a defence of the preceding against Beza’s answer,
Francfort, 1600.