, a very celebrated puritan divine, was born at Bow near Stratford, Middlesex, Nov. 1, 1575, and educated
, a very celebrated puritan divine,
was born at Bow near Stratford, Middlesex, Nov. 1, 1575,
and educated at Eton school, whence he went in 1595 to
King’s college, Cambridge. He was endowed with considerable powers of mind, and by close application to study,
accumulated a great fund of learning. Such was his ardour and regularity in his literary pursuits, that during his
first three years, he slept only one night out of college,
and for nine years never missed college prayers at halfpast five in the morning, unless when from home. It was
his invariable rule to read fifteen chapters in the Bible
every day, at three times. When chosen reader of logic
and philosophy in the college, he was equally precise in
regularity of duty and attendance. Having taken his degrees, and been admitted into orders, he was in 1608 preferred to the rectory of St. Anne’s Blackfiiars, London,
where he became extremely popular; and having instituted a lecture on Wednesday mornings, it was frequented
by many persons of the first rank. Having, however, imbibed some of the prejudices which were then so common
against the church of England, he was occasionally censured, and at one time threatened with a prosecution in
the Star-chamber for having become a member of a society
for the purchase of impropriations; but this did not take
effect, and the subsequent disturbances relieved him from
any farther molestation. In 1643, he was nominated one
of the assembly of divines, and took an active part in the
various proceedings instituted by the then ruling powers
for the reformation of the church. But when in 1648, he
saw the lengths to which their reformations tended, he
united with a large body of his brethren in declaring against
putting the king to death. For forty-five years, says
Granger, he was the laborious, the exemplary, and the
much loved minister of St. Anne’s Blackfriars, where none
ever thought or spoke ill of him, but such as were inclined
to think or speak ill of religion itself. He died Dec. 12,
1653. He appears, indeed, to have had the suffrages of
all his contemporaries, and is honourably mentioned by
many foreign divines. He was at one time offered the
provostship of King’s college, but declined it; his usual
saying was, that it was his highest ambition “to go from
Blackfriars to heaven.
” He published several pious tracts
and some sermons, which bishop Wilkins classes among
the most excellent of his time; but his principal work
was “A Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews,
The Assembly’s Annotations.
, son of the preceding, was born at Bow, Sept. 19, 1605, and was educated at Eton school,
, son of the preceding, was born at
Bow, Sept. 19, 1605, and was educated at Eton school,
whence he was chosen to King’s college, Cambridge, in
1626. Here, after taking his degrees, he was chosen fellow of his college, and afterwards presented with a living
at Colsden near Croydon, in Surrey, where he continued
about three years. In 1638, he was removed to the living
of St. Sepulchre’s, London, and the year after married one
of the daughters of sir Robert Darcy. During a period of
twenty-four years he discharged the duties of his profession
with the most exemplary zeal. Besides preaching twice
every Sunday, and often on week-days, he visited his flock,
catechised their children, inquired into and relieved the
wants of the poor, and devised plans for their employment.
Such of the poor as were able to work, he employed in
spinning flax and hemp, which he bought for the purpose,
and paying them for their work, got it worked into cloth,
which he sold, as well as he could, chiefly among his
friends, bearing himself whatever loss was sustained. By
this wise and humane scheme he diverted many from
begging, and demonstrated to them, that by industry they
might soon become independent of charity; and he thus
is said to have given the hint which produced the humane
and benevolent institutions of Mr. Firmin, which have
been referred to in the memoir of that excellent citizen.
When the act of uniformity took place, he quitted his
living of St. Sepulchre’s, being dissatisfied respecting the
terms of conformity; but after this he forbore preaching,
saying there was no need of him in London, where there
were so many worthy ministers, and that he thought he
might do as much or more good another way, which could
give no offence. Accordingly his time was now zealously
devoted to acts of beneficence and charity. He employed
his own fortune, which was considerable, in relieving the
wants of his poorer brethren, who, on account of their
nonconformity, were deprived of their means of subsistence; and he was a successful applicant to the rich, from
whom he received large sums, which were applied to that
humane purpose. In 1671, he set about a plan for
introducing knowledge and religion mto the different parts of
Wales, which at that period were in the most deplorable
darkness. He established schools in different towns where
the poor were willing that their children should be taught
the elements of learning, and he undertook to pay all the
expences which were incurred in the outset of the business.
By degrees these schools amounted to between three and
four hundred, and they were all annually visited by Mr.
Gouge, when he carefully inquired into the progress made
by the young people, before whom he occasionally
preached in a style adapted to their age and circumstances
in life, for, being in his latter days better satisfied with the
terms of conformity, he had a licence from some of the
bishops to preach in Wales. With the assistance of his
friends, whose purses were ever open at his command, he
printed eight thousand copies of the Bible in the Welsh
language; a thousand of these were distributed freely
among those who could not afford to purchase them, and
the rest were sent to the cities and chief towns in the principality, to be sold at reasonable rates. He procured likewise the English liturgy, the “Practice of Piety,
” the
“Whole Duty of Man,
” the Church Catechism, and other
practical pieces, to be printed in the Welsh language, and
distributed among the poor. During the exercise of this
benevolent disposition, he meddled nothing with the controversies of the times, and partook in no shape of the rancour of many of his ejected brethren against the church of
England, with which he maintained communion to the last,
and, as he told archbishop Tillotson, “thought himself
obliged in conscience so to do.
” He was accustomed to
say with pleasure, “that he had two livings which he would
not exchange for two of the greatest in England.
” These
were Wales, where he travelled every year to diffuse the
principles of knowledge, piety, and charity: and Christ’s
Hospital, where he catechised and instructed the children
in the fundamental principles of religion. He died suddenly Oct. 29, 1681, in the seventy-seventh year of his
age. His death was regarded as a public loss. A funeral
sermon was preached on the occasion by Dr. Tillotson,
afterwards archbishop of Canterbury; who, at the conclusion of an animated eulogium on his piety and virtue, observes, that “all things considered, there have not, since
the primitive times of Christianity, been many among the
sons of men, to whom that glorious character of the Son of
God might be better applied, that
” he went about doing
good.“And Mr. Baxter, in his Narrative of his own Life
and Times, says of Mr. Gouge,
” I never heard any one
person, of whatever rank, sort, or sect soever, speak one
word to his dishonour, or name any fault that they charged
on his life or doctrine; no, not the prelatists themselves,
save only that he conformed not to their impositions; and
that he did so much good with so much industry.“This
eminent divine published a few practical pieces, of which
the following may be mentioned
” The Principles of Religion explained“” A Word to Sinners“” Christian
Directions to walk with God“” The surest and safest
Way of Thriving, viz. by Charity to the Poor;“”The
Young Man’s Guide through the Wilderness of this World."
These were collected in an 8vo volume in 1706, and published at London, with a fine portrait by Van der Gucht,
and archbishop Tillotson’s Funeral Sermon and Life of him