, was born at Caskieben, near Aberdeen, the seat of his ancestors,
, was born at Caskieben, near
Aberdeen, the seat of his ancestors, in 1587, and probably
was educated at Aberdeen, as he was afterwards advanced
to the highest dignity in that university. The study to
which he chiefly applied, was that of physic; and to improve himself in that science, he travelled into foreign
countries. He was twice at Rome, but the chief place of
his residence was at Padua, in which university the degree
of M. D. was conferred on him in 1610, as appears by a
ms copy of verses in the advocates’ library in Edinburgh.
After leaving Padua, he travelled through the rest of Italy,
and over Germany, Denmark, England, Holland, and
other countries, and at last settled in France, where he
met with great applause as a Latin poet. He lived there
twenty years, and by two wives had thirteen children. At
last, after twenty-four years absence, he returned into
Scotland, as some say in 1632, but probably much sooner,
as there is an edition of his “Epigrammata,
” printed at
Aberdeen in Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis
” We find, that in the same year the doctor
printed a specimen of his Psalms at London, and dedicated
them to his lordship, which is considered as a proof that
the bishop prevailed upon Johnston to remove to London
from Scotland, and then set him upon this work; neither
can it be doubted but, after he had seen this sample, he
also engaged him to perfect the whole, which took him up
four years; for the first etlition'of all the Psalms was published at Aberdeen in 1637, and at London in the same
year. In 1641, Dr. Johnston being at Oxford on a visit
to one of his daughters, who was married to a divine of
the church of England in that place, was seized with a
violent diarrhoea, of which he died in a few days, in the
fifty-fourth year of his age, not without having seen the
beginning of those troubles which proved so fatal to his
patron. He was buried in the place where he died,
which gave occasion to the following lines of his learned
friend Wedderburn in his “Suspiria,
” on the doctor’s