, elder brother of the preceding, was born at Madrid in 1580, and became a Jesuit at Salamanca in
, elder brother of the preceding, was
born at Madrid in 1580, and became a Jesuit at Salamanca
in 1600, where he first employed himself in teaching the
rudiments of grammar: but he afterwards was professor of
philosophy, and was sent to the Indies. There he filled
the divinity-chair in the town of Mexico, and also in Santa
Fe. These posts, however, not being agreeable to tfhe
Retirement in which he desired to live, he returned to
Spain. In the voyage he lost the best part of his commentaries upon the “Summit
” of T. Aquinas, and narrowly escaped being taken prisoner by the Dutch. He
was afterwards deputed to Rome by the province of Castile,
to assist at the eighth general assembly of the Jesuits; and,
upon the conclusion of it, he was detained there by two
employments, that of censor of the books published by the
Jesuits, and that of Theologue general. But finding himselt to be courted more and more, from the time that his
brother was made a cardinal, he went back into Spain
where he was appointed rector of two colleges, or of a
college or school consisting of two divisions, as is that of
Westminster. He died in 1652, after writing several books,
the chief of which are, 1. Commentarii in primam partem
S. Thomae de Deo, trinitate, & angelis,“Lyons, 1647, 2
vols, folio. 2.
” De sacramentis in genere, &c.“Venice,
1652, 4to. 3.
” Discursus praevius ad theologiam moralem, &c.“Madrid, 1643, 4to. 4.
” Quasstiones morales
de sacramentis," Grenada, 1644, 4to.