, son of the preceding, was born at Mortlake, in Surry, July 1 4th, 1579, and educated at
, son of the preceding, was born at Mortlake, in Surry, July 1 4th, 1579, and educated at Westminster school under Camden, and at the university of Oxford. He accompanied his father in his travels over France,
Germany, and Poland, and was early initiated by him in
the same mysteries which he himself had so unfruitfully followed. Returning to England, he settled in Westminster,
intending to practise medicine there; but, being rejected
by the college of physicians, to whom he applied for a
licence, he went to Russia, and, on the recommendation
of king James, was appointed physician to the czar, an
office he continued to hold for fourteen years. He now
returned to England, when he soon lost the money he had
acquired in Russia, in search of the grand elixir, the
reality of the existence of which he never doubted. He is
said to have died at Norwich in extreme poverty, in September 1651. He suffered the censures of the college of
physicians, Goodall says, for hanging out a table at his
door, exposing to sale several medicines, by which he
professed to cure diseases. While at Paris he published,
in 1631, “Fasciculus chymicus, abstrusoe scientix Hermeticae, ingressum, progressum, coronidem, explicans,