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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

, son of the preceding, was born at Paris in January 1677, and was intended lor the profession

, son of the preceding, was born at Paris in January 1677, and was intended lor the profession of the law; but he had imbibed from the pursuits of his father so great a taste for those sciences, that he entered the faculty of medicine of his native city, and received the degree of doctor in 1698. Two years afterwards he was admitted into the academy of sciences, and in 1708 h delivered lectures on chemistry in the royal garden. In 1710 he was appointed physician to the Hotel-Dieu, a post which he occupied during the remainder of his life. In 1712 he obtained the rank of associate in the academy, and succeeded his father as pensionary in 1715. He purchased the office of king’s physician in 1722; and in that capacity he accompanied the infanta of Spain on her return from France, whither she had gone with the view of being married to Louis XV. Soon after his return to Paris 'he was honoured by the queen of Spain with the title of her consulting physician. In 1731 he was appointed professor of chemistry in the royal garden, in the place of Geoffroy. At a subsequent period he became particularly attached to the establishment of the duchess of Brunswick, whom he frequently visited in the palace of Luxembourg; and he likewise obtained the patronage of the princess of Conti, in whose hotel he regularly passed a part of every day, and there composed several of the chemical papers which he read before the academy of sciences. These papers treat of the subjects of iron, of nitre, and some other salts, of vegetable and animal analyses, of the origin and formation of monsters, &c. He died on June 9, 1743, and the loss of him was much regretted; for to the mild and polished manners of the gentleman, he united great sincerity and constancy in his attachments, and sentiments of liberality and generosity in all his proceedings.