, was born at Rennes, Eeb. 25, 1696, and entered early into the congregation
, was born at Rennes, Eeb. 25, 1696, and entered early
into the congregation of the oratory, where he was a distinguished professor. The order against wigs, which seems
to have raised very serious scruples, occasioned his quitting
it; but he retained the friendship and esteem of his former
brethren. He then went to Paris, where his talents procured him the professorship of eloquence in the collegeroyal, and a place in the academy of belles lettres. He
published several works, which have been well received by
the public 1. “The Life of the Emperor Julian,
” Paris,
History of the Emperor Jovian,
” with translations of some
works of the emperor Julian, Paris, 1748, 2 vols. 12mo, a
book no less valuable than the former, by the art with
which the author has selected, arranged and established
facts, and by the free and varied turns of the translator.
This was abridged by Mr. Duncombe in the “Select
Works of the Emperor Julian,
” To Tacitus,
said he, “I am much indebted I ought therefore in justice to dedicate to his glory the remainder of my life.
4. “Tiberius, or the six first books of the Annals of Tacitus, translated into French,
” Paris,
, a French monk, was born at Rennes in the year 1600. Before he entered into the
, a French monk, was born at Rennes
in the year 1600. Before he entered into the religious profession his name was John Mace. He was nominated to
all the honourable and confidential posts of his order, and
for his eloquence had the honour of preachjng before
Louis XIII. and Louis XIV. His early patrons were popes
Leo XL and Alexander VIII.; and in France cardinal
Richelieu was his friend. He died in 1671, leaving behind
him numerous works, the principal of which are, “Studium Sapientise Universalis,
” 3 vols. fol. A “History of
the Carmelites
” “Lives of different Romish Saints
” and
“Journal of what took place during the last Sickness, and
at the Death of cardinal Richelieu.
, a learned French Jesuit, was born at Rennes, April 26, 1661,- of an ancient family. He entered
, a learned French
Jesuit, was born at Rennes, April 26, 1661,- of an ancient
family. He entered among the Jesuits in 1680, and besides
other literary honours due to his merit, was appointed librarian to the society in Paris. His range of study had
been so extensive that most of his learned contemporaries
considered him as an oracle in every branch of science,
taste, or art. The holy scriptures, divinity, the belles
lettres, antiquities, sacred and profane, criticism, rhetoric,
poetry, had all been the objects of his pursuit, and added
to his accomplishments. He was for many years editor of
the “Journal de Trevoux,
” one of the most celebrated in
France, in which he wrote a great many essays and criticisms of considerable merit and acuteness. He published
also a good edition of“Menochius,