, was born at Tacnnstadt in Thuringia, Aug. 4, 1707, was educated
, was born at Tacnnstadt in
Thuringia, Aug. 4, 1707, was educated at Witternberg and
Leipsic, and became one of the most learned philologers
of Germany. He studied theology as a profession; and in
1734 was chosen rector of St. Thomas’s school. In 1742
he was appointed professor extraordinary of ancient literature, in 1756 professor of eloquence, and in 1758 doctor
and professor of divinity, the functions of all which offices
he discharged with great assiduity and high reputation,
and yet found leisure for his numerous original
publications, and those excellent editions of the classics which
have made his name familiar in the learned world. As a
divine, he disliked the modern philosophical innovations in
the study of theology, and was alike hostile to infidelity
and superstition. He died, with the character of a man of
consummate learning and irreproachable character, Sept.
11, 1781. Among his valuable editions of the classics are,
1. His “Homer,
” Leipsic, Callimachus,
” Ley den, Cicero,
” of whose works he
published three editions, the first at Leipsic, 1737, 5 vols.
the others at Halle, 1758 and 1774, in 8 vols. 8vo. The
second and third, which are the most correct, contain the
famous “Clavis Ciceroniana,
” which has been published
separately. 4. “Tacitus,
” Leipsic, Suetonius,
” two editions, at Leipsic, Leipsic, 1788, a very useful edition, with the
ancient scholia, and remarks by the editor and by Nagelius.
7. Xenophon’s
” Memorabilia,“of which there have been
several editions, 1737, 1742, 1755, &c. The best is that
of Leipsic, 1772. Ernesti’s other works are, 8.
” Initia
doctrinse solidioris,“Leipsic, 1783, 8vo, the seventh edition. 9.
” Institutio interpretis Novi Testamenti,“Leipsic,
1775, 8vo, the third edition, which Alberti of Leyden calls
” golden work.“10. An improved edition of Hederic’s
Lexicon, 1754 and 1767. 11. A
” Theological Library,“1760 1771, 11 vols. 8vo. 12.
” Opuscula Oratoria, Orationes, Prolusiones et Elogia x “Leyden, 1762, 8vo. This
contains thirteen very elegant and judicious academical
discourses, pronounced on different occasions, with the
same number of historical eloges. The subjects of the
discourses are, 1. Of the study of the belles lettres. 2.
That eloquence has its real source in the heart. 3. That
we must conform to the laws of criticism in the study of
divinity. 4. Of the revolutions of eloquence. 5. Of the
conditions to be observed for studying and teaching philosophy with success. 6. Of the advantages of real learning.
7. The arts of peace and war. 8. A parallel between the
Greek and Roman writers. 9. Of the name of on’s country. 10. Of joining the art of thinking to that of speaking.
11. Of the desire of praise and reputation. 12. Of popular philosophy and, 13. Of moral or practicable philosophy. These discourses are written in an easy flowing
style, and in elegant Latinity. II.
” Opusculorum oratoriorum, novum volumen,“Leipsic, 1791, 8vo: this and
another volume published in 1794, forms a complete collection of Ernesti’s smaller tracts. 12.
” Archaeologia literaria,“Leipsic, 1768, 8vo, to which we may add his excellent new edition, of which he lived to publish only 3
volumes, of
” Fabricii Bibl. Graeca." His nephew, Augustus William Ernes n, was born in 1733, and died in
1801 at Leipsic, where he was professor of eloquence in
that university from 1770, and well known by his edition
of Livy, Quintilian, and other classics. To the university
library there he bequeathed his very complete collection of
the works of Camerarius; and to that of the Senate, his
collection of the editions and Mss. of Cicero, to complete
the Ciceronian collection already in it.