, was born at Toulouse in 1656, and shewed an early taste for poetry,
, was born at Toulouse
in 1656, and shewed an early taste for poetry, whichwas
improved by a good education, and when he came to
Paris, he took Racine for his guide in the dramatic career.
But, though it may be allowed that Campistron approached
his merit in the conduct of his pieces, yet he could never
equal him in the beauties of composition, nor in his enchanting versification. Too feeble to avoid the defects of
Racine, and unable like him to atone for them by beautiful strokes of the sublime, he copied him in his soft manner of delineating the love of his heroes, of whom, it must
be confessed, he sometimes made inamoratos fitter for the
most comic scenes than for tragedy, in which passion
ought always to assume an elevated style. Racine, while
he was forming Campistron for the drama, was not inattentive to promote the fortune of the young* poet. Having
proposed him to the duke de Vendome for the composition
of the heroic pastoral of “Acis and Galatea,
” which he designed should be represented at his chateau of Anet, that
prince, well satisfied both with his character and his talents, first made him secretary of his orders, and then secretary general of the gallies. He afterwards got him
made knight of the military order of St. James in Spain,
commandant of Chimene, and marquis of Penange in Italy.
The poet, now become necessary to the prince, by the
cheerfulness of his temper and the vivacity of his imagination, attended him on his travels into various countries.
Campistron, some time after his return, retired to his own
country; where he married mademoiselle de Maniban,
sister of the first president of Toulouse, and of the bishop
of Mirepoix, afterwards archbishop of Bourdeaux; and
there he died May 11, 1723, of an apoplexy, at the age
of 67. This stroke was brought on by a fit of passion excited by two chairmen who refused to carry him on account of his great weight. Campistron kept good company, loved good cheer, and had all the indolence of a
man of pleasure. While secretary to the duke de Vendome, he found it a more expeditious way to burn the letters that were written to that prince than to answer them.
Accordingly, the duke, seeing him one day before a large
fire, in which he was casting a heap of papers: “There
its Campistron,
” said he, “employed in answering my
” He followed the duke even to the field
of battle. At the battle of Steinkerque, the duke seeing
him always beside him, said, “What do you do here,
” “Mon seigneur,
” answered he, “I am
waiting to go back with you.
” This sedateness of mind in
a moment of so much danger was highly pleasing to the
bero. His plays, 1750, 3 vols. 12mo. have been nearly
as often printed as those of Corneille, Racine, Crebillon,
and Voltaire. The most popular of them are his “Andronicus,
” “Alcibiades,
” “Acis and Galatea,
” “Phocion,
” “Tiridates,
” “Phraates,
” and “Jaloux Desabuseé.