was born at Wedinguen in Bavaria, and studied law, philosophy, and
was born at Wedinguen in Bavaria, and studied law, philosophy, and divinity, at Wittemberg, where he professed to be a follower of Luther;
but on returning to his own country, he became a Roman
catholic, and professor of philosophy at Ingoldstadt, where
he died in 1557, at the age of 70. He translated into Latin the orations of Isocrates and Demosthenes; the treatise
of St. Chrysostom on Providence, and that of Epiphamus
on the catholic faith. He published also commentaries on
Cicero’s Offices, on the poems of Pythagoras and Phocyllides, on the Tristia of Ovid, and Horace “De arte
” To much learning he added a considerable talent for
poetry, in which he left various small pieces, epigrams, epitaphs. His philosophical works “De Anima, de philosophia naturali, &c.
” are less known; but a list of them
may be seen in Teissier’s Essays, vol. I.