, father of the preceding, was born in 1560 at Wardenton, near Banbury, in Oxfordshire, of
, father of the preceding, was born
in 1560 at Wardenton, near Banbury, in Oxfordshire, of
an ancient family, and studied at Magdalen -hall, where
he took his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and then
travelled on the continent. On his return he became
rector of Cheyneys in Buckinghamshire, where he died
March 6, 1628-9. His publications, according to Wood,
were mostly translations of pious works by foreign divines.
1. “Comfort for an afflicted conscience,
” Lond. Confutation
of the Popish Transubstantiation,
” Lond. The golden chain of Salvation,
” from the Latin of
Harman Renecker, Lond.