, was successively deacon and priest of the church of Metz, director.
, was successively deacon and priest of the church of Metz, director. of the school
in the palace of Louis de Debdnnaire, abbot of Hornbac,
coadjutor to the bishop of Ia-Ous, and then to that of
Treves, and according to some was made bishop; but this
seems doubtful. Some authors likewise attribute to him a
work which appeared in the year 847, in favour of the
opinions of Hincmar, archbishop of Rheirns, on predestination; but it is probable that Amalarius was dead ten years
before that. He was, however, esteemed a man of great
learning in liturgical matters; and his acknowledged works
procured him touch reputation in the Romish church.
The first mentioned is a “Treatise on the Offices,
” written
in the year The
order of the Antiphonal,
” in which he endeavours to reconcile the rites of the Roman with the Gallican church.
This is usually printed with the preceding. 3. “The Office of the Mass.
” 4. “Letters,
” which are in the Spicilegium of d'Achery, and Martenne’s Anecdotes. His
works met with considerable opposition, and Agobard, archbishop of Lyons, wrote against the two first-mentioned
works. Florus, deacon of Lyons, accused him of heresy
before the council of Thionville, where he was acquitted,
and the council at Quierci, where some expressions of his
respecting the sacrament were adjudged to be dangerous,
but his reputation did not suffer much by the decision.