, who had the character of a very philosophic and poetic lady, was
, who had the character of
a very philosophic and poetic lady, was born in 1656, and
was the daughter of Richard Lee, of Winsloder, in Devonshire, esq. She was married to sir George Chudleigh,
bart. by whom she had several children; among the rest,
Eliza-Maria, who dying in the bloom of life, was lamented
by her mother in a poem entitled “A Dialogue between
Lucinda and Marissa.
” She wrote another poem called
“The Ladies Defence,
” occasioned by an angry sermon
preached against the fair sex. These, with many others,
were collected into a volume in 1703, and printed a third
time in 1722. She published also a volume of Essays upon
various subjects in verse and prose, in 1710, which have
been much admired far delicacy of style. These were dedicated to her royal highness the princess Sophia, electress
and duchess dowager of Brunswick; on which occasion
that princess, then in her eightieth year, honoured her
with a very polite epistle.