, who is said to have first suggested the weekly meetings of the royal
, who is said to have first suggested
the weekly meetings of the royal society, and was one of
its first fellows when established after the restoration, was
born in 1605, at Newhausen, near Worms in the Palatinate, and educated at home. In 1625 he came to Oxford,
and studied there about half a year, whence he went for
the same time to Cambridge. He then visited some of the
universities abroad, but returned to Oxford in 1629, and
became a commoner of Gloucester-hall (now Worcester college). Here he remained three years, but without
taking a degree, and, as Wood says, was made a deacon
by Dr. Joseph Hall, the celebrated bishop of Exeter. He
does not, however, appear to have proceeded farther in
ecclesiastical ordination, and both in his translation of the
“Dutch Annotations,
” and in the lists of the royal society,
we find him afterwards styled “Theodore Haak, Esq.
” In
the time of the German wars he was appointed one of the
procurators to receive the benevolence money, which was
raised in several dioceses in England to be transmitted to
Germany, which he used to say “was a deacon’s work.
When the rebellion broke out in this country, he appears
to have favoured the interests of parliament. In 1657 he
published in 2 vols, folio, what is called the “Dutch Annotations upon the whole Bible,
” which is a translation of the
Dutch Bible, ordered by the synod of Dort, and first published in 1637. Wood says that the Dutch translators
were assisted in this undertaking by bishops Carleton,
Davenant, Hall, and other English divines, who were
members of the synod of Dort; but, according to the preface, the only assistance they gave was in laying before
the synod an account of the manner in which king James’s
translation had been performed by the co-operation of a
number of the most eminent divines in England. The
synod accordingly adopted the same plan; and their annotations being considered of great value to biblical students,
the Westminster assembly of divines employed Haak in
making this English translation, and the parliament granted
him a sole right in it for fourteen years from the time of
publication. Haak also translated into Dutch several English books of practical divinity, and one half of Milton’s
“Paradise Lost.
” He left nearly ready for the press, a
translation of German proverbs, but it does not appear
that this was published. He was in 1645 one of several
ingenious men (Dr. Wilkins, Dr. Wallis, Dr. Goddard, &c.)
who agreed to meet once a week to discourse upon subjects
connected with mathematics and natural philosophy, and
it was he who first suggested this humble plan on which,
the royal society was afterwards formed. Mr. Haak died
at the house of his kinsman Dr. Slare, a physician near
Fetter-lane, London, May 9, 1690, and was buried in St.
Andrew’s church, Holborn. Dr. Horneck preached his
funeral sermon. He appears to have been the friend and
correspondent of the most learned men of his time, and
has some observations and letters in the “Philosophical
” published in May