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Currently only Chalmers’ Biographical Dictionary is indexed, terms are not stemmed, and diacritical marks are retained.

who was born at Nimes in 1678, became celebrated for his proficiency

, who was born at Nimes in 1678, became celebrated for his proficiency in natural history. The revocation of the edict of Nantes having forced his family to go and seek an asylum in Switzerland, Zurich was indebted to them for its manufactures of stockings, muslins, and several silk stuffs. Young Bourguet went through a course of study there; afterwards married at Berne, and settled at Neufeh&tel, where he became professor of philosophy and mathematics. He died Dec. 31, 1742, at the age of 64, after publishing, 1. A Letter on the formation of salts and crystals; Amsterdam, 1729, 12mo. 2. “La bibliotheque Italique,” 16 vols. 8vo. This journal, begun at Geneva in 1728, found a welcome reception among the learned, as a solid and useful book deserving to be continued, although deficient in style, and hastily written. He wrote also, “Traite des petrifactions,” Paris, 1742, 4to, and 1778, 8vo. Many of his learned papers on subjects of natural history were inserted in the literary journals, and his eloge is in the Helvetic Journal for 1745.