, whose name often occurs in works of Bibliography, but who has not
, whose name often occurs
in works of Bibliography, but who has not laid bibliographers under many obligations, was a bookseller at Emmerich, about the end of the seventeenth century. His
design in his compilations was evidently to serve the cause
of literature, but although all his plans were good, they were
imperfectly executed, and have proved perplexing and
useless. His principal publications in this department
were: 1. “Bibliographia Juridica et Politica,
” Amsterdam,
Bibliotheca medica et physica,
” Gallia critica et experimentalis ab anno 1665 usque ad 1681,
” Amst. Journal des
” 4. “Bibliographia mathematica et artificiosa,
Bibliographia historica, chronologica, et geographica,
” Bibliographia
crudilorum critico-curiosa, seu apparatus ad historian!
” Amst. 1689—1701, 5 vols. 12mo, a sort of
general index to all the literary journals, but containing
too many alphabets to be easily consulted. It extends
from 1665 to 1700. 7. “Incunabula typographic, sive
Catalogus librorum proximis ab iwentione typographic
annis ad annum 1500, editorum,
” Amst.