Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 46
Thomas Abel
or Able took the Degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated 1516, but what Degrees in Divinity I cannot find. He was afterwards a Servant to Qu. Catherine the Consort of K. Hen. 8. and is said by a certain (t)(t) T [•] o, Bouchier in Hist. Eccies. de Martyrio Frat. Ord. Minorum Divi Francisci—Ingols. 1583. in 12. part. 2. fol. 42. b. Author to be vir longe doctissimus, qui Reginae aliquando in Musicorum tacta & inguis, operam suam navaret. In 1529. and 30, he shewed himself a zealous Advocate against the divorce of the said Queen, and a passionate enemy against the unlawful doings of the King. At which time he wrot,
Tract. de non dissolvendo Henrici & Catherinae matrimonio. In 1534, he by the name of Tho. Able Priest, was attainted of Misprision, for taking part with, and being active in the matter of, Elizabeth Barton the holy Maid of Kent. Afterwards denying the King’s Supremacy over the Church, was hang’d, drawn, and quarter’d in Smithfield, 1540 30. Jul. in Fifteen hundred and and forty, having before, as ’tis thought, written other things, but lost. I find another Tho. Able, who hath written against the Gangraena of Tho. Edwards, but he being a hundred Years later than the former, (for he lived in 1646.) he must not be taken to be the same Person.