Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 341
Christopher Airay
was born at Clifton in Westmorland, became a Student in Queens Coll. in Mich. term 1621, where going through the servile offices, was made Fellow when Master of Arts: About which time entring into holy Orders according to the statutes of that House, he became a Preacher, was actually created Bac. of Div. in 1642, and afterwards made Vicar of Milford in Hampshire. He hath written,
Fasciculus Praeceptorum Logicalium in gratiam juventutis Academiae (Oxon) compositus. Oxon. 1660. sec. edit. in oct. and other things, as ’tis said, but such I have not yet seen.1670. He died on S. Lukes day, in sixteen hundred and seventy, and was buried in the Chancel of his Church of Milford before mention’d· Over his grave was soon after put this epitaph. Memoriae sacrum Christopheri Airay S. T. Bac. olim Coll. Reg. Oxon. socii, & hujus ecclesiae Vicarii vigilantissimi, viri summae integritatis, judicii acerrimi & ingenii literarum omnium capacis; qui deficillimo seculo inter aestuantes rerum fluctus clavum rectum tenuit. Mortalitati tandem exuit 18. Oct. annos natus 69. &c.