Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 31

John Allen

had his first Academical Education in this University, whence going to Cambridge, was there made M. of Arts, as ’tis said, tho I rather think Bach. of the Laws. Afterwards he was sent to the Pope at Rome, by Dr. Warham Archb. of Canterbury, about certain matters relating to the Church, where remaining about 9 Years, was in that time created Doctor of the Laws, either there, or in an University in Italy. After his return he became Chaplain to Cardinal Wolsey, who knew him, as I conceive, while he was in Oxon, was Judge of his Court as he was Legat à latere, (but in that Office he was thought to be a perjur’d and wicked Person) and assisted him in visiting first, and afterwards in that great matter of dissolving, 40 little Monasteries at least, for the erection of his Coll at Oxon, and that at Ipswych. In the latter end of the Year 1525, he was incorporated LL. Dr. of this University, on the 13. March 1528. he was consecrated Archb. of Dublin, and about that time was made Chancellor of Ireland. He hath Written,

Epistola de Pallii significatione activa & passiva. Penn’d by him when he received the Pall to be Archbishop.

De consuetudinibus ac statutis in tuitoriis causis observandis. Besides other things concerning the Church. At length being taken in a time of rebellion by Tho. Fitz-Gerard or Gerald, eldest Son to the Earl of Kildare, was by his command most cruelly (b)(b) Jac. Waraeus in Comment. de praesulib. Hibern. Edit. 1665. p. 118, 119. murder’d, by being brain’d like an Ox, at Tartaine in Ireland, 28. Jul. in Fifteen hundred thirty and four, 1534 aged 58. The whole story of which, several of the Irish Chronicles will tell you. See more among the Bishops under the Year 1534.