Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 514

Thomas Allen

, an exact proficient in the Greek and Latine tongues, was sent from the Kings School at Worcester to this University in Mich. Term, 1589. aged 16, where making great advances in Philosophy, was elected Probationer-Fellow of Merton coll. in 1593, and by the severe discipline then used, he became a most noted Disputant. After he had compleated his Regency, he entred into the sacred function, but instead of frequent preaching, he exercised himself much in crabbed and critical learning. Whereupon being well esteemed by his Governour Sir Hen. Savile, he procured for him a Fellowship of Eaton coll. where he found him very serviceable for his designs. He hath written,

Observationes in libellum Chrysostomi in Esaiam. Printed in Sir H. Saviles edition of S. Chrysostome, in the eighth vol. p. 139, &c. He also was one that helped the said Knight in making and framing his Annotations on Chrysostomes Homelies, on Matthew and the other Evangelists, as he doth acknowledge in his Preface to the said Annotations, wherein he stiles this our author, Vir doctissimus, Graecarum literarum non minus quam Theologiae peritissimus, &c. He surrendred up his soul to him that gave it, 1636 in sixteen hundred thirty and six, and was buried in Eaton coll. Chappel near to Windsore. Over his grave is a flat stone remaining, having this inscription carved on a brass plate fixed thereunto. Thomas Allenus Wigorniensis, vir pietate insignis, Theologus praestantissimus, multarum optimarum linguarum, variaeque eruditionis callentissimus, in collegium hoc (in quo diu socius vixit) in collegia insuper alia, locaque in quibus aliquam vitae suam partem posuit pie munificus, hic jacet. Obiit die decimo Mensis Octobris, an. 1636. He gave books to Mert. coll. library, and some to that of Brasenose; in which last he had been a Student before he was elected into Merton. Another of both his names, but later in time, was sometimes Pastor of a Church in Norwich, and author of The Glory of Christ, set forth in several Sermons from John 3. 34, 35, 36. &c. published after the authors death in 1683. oct.