Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 447

Peter Allibond

, an ingenious man in the opinion of all that knew him, was born at Wardenton near to Banbury in Oxfordshire, where his name and family had for some generations lived, became a Student of Magd. hall in the beginning of 1578. aged 18. years, or thereabouts, took the degrees in Arts, travelled for some time beyond the Seas, and at his return became Rector of Cheyneys in Bucks. Where continuing many years, did much improve the ignorant with his found doctrine. What he hath written I know not, nor translations which he hath made, only these two from French into English, viz. (1) Comfort for an afflicted conscience, wherein is contained both consolation and instruction for the sick, &c. Lond. 1591. oct. written by John de L’espine. (2) Confutation of the popish transubstantiation, together with a narration how that the Mass was at sundry times patched and pieced by sundry Popes, &c. Lond. 1592. oct. And a translation from Lat. into English entit. The golden chain of Salvation. Lond. 1604. qu. written by Harman Renecher. This Pet. Allibond died on the sixth day of March, 1628-9. in sixteen hundred twenty and eight, and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of Cheyneys before mention’d; leaving then behind him three Sons, one of which was called John a witty man of Magd. coll. whom I shall mention elsewhere; another named Peter of Linc. coll. Proctor of this University in 1640. and a third Job, who changing his Religion, to which he had been carefully brought up, for that of Rome, (which was the reason, I presume, why his name was omitted in his Fathers Will) did at length get a place in the Post Office, which kept him and his in a comfortable condition. This Job was Father of Rich. Allibond, a Barrester of Grays Inn, who being also a Roman Catholick, was not only Knighted by K. James 2. but also made one of the Justices of the Kings-Bench, to which Office he was sworn by the name of Rich. Allebone, 28. Apr: 1687. He dyed at his house near to the back part of Grays Inn, 22. of Aug. 1688. aged 47 years of thereabouts, and was buried on the fourth of Sept. following at Dagenham in Essex near to the grave of his Mother.