Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 472
Samuel Austin
, Son of Tho. Austin of Lystwithiel in the County of Cornwal, was born there, became a Batler of Exeter coll. in 1623. aged 17. took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being compleated in 1630. About which time being numbred among the Levites, was beneficed in his own Country. He hath written,
Austin’s Urania: Or, the heavenly Muse, in a Poem full of meditations for the comfort of all Souls at all times. Lond. 1629.Clar. 1620. oct. dedicated to Joh. Prideaux D. D. a favourer of the studies of the author, then Bach. of Arts. What other things he hath written or published, (besides various copies of verses printed in Lat. and English in other books,) I know not, nor any thing else of him, only that he had a Son of both his names, (a conceited Coxcomb,) who endeavoured to Patrizare, but through his exceeding vanity and folly he was made use of, as another Tho. Coryate, by certain Poe [•] s of Oxon in their respective copies of verses set before his Naps on Parnassus, &c. printed 1658. as I shall tell you in my other volume of writers.