Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 224

Walter Baley

or Bailey, Son of Henry Baley of Warnwell in Dorsetshire, was born at Portsham in that County, educated in Wykchams School [〈◊〉] Win chester, admitted perpetual fellow of New Colledge after he had served two years of probation, an. 1550, tok the degrees in Arts, entred upon the Physick line, was admitied to practice that faculty while he was Proctor of the University, in the year 1558, and about that time was made Prebendary of Dultingcote alias Dulcot, &c. in the Church of Wells, which he resign’d in 1579. In 1561 he was made the Queens Professor of Physick in this University, proceeded in that faculty two years after, and at length became Physician to Qu. Elizabeth, and much resorted to for his practice. He hath written,

A discourse of three kinds of Pepper in common use—Printed 1588, in oct. dedicated to Sir Jo. Horsey, Knight.

Brief Treatise of the preservation of the Eye-sight—Printed in the Reign of Qu. Eliz. in tw. and at Oxon 1616, and 1654 in oct. &c. In that Edition of 1616 was printed another or second Treatise of the Eye-sight, collected from Fernclius and Riolanus, but by whom, I know not. They both now go under the name of Bailey, who hath also written,

Directions for health, natural and artificial; with Medicines for all diseases of the Eyes—Printed 1626, in qu.

Explicatio Galeni de potu convaelescentium & senum, & praecipuè de nosti ae Alae & Biriae paratione, &c. MS. in qu. sometimes in the Library of Robert Earl of Aylesbury. He the said Dr. Bailey surrendred up his last breath, March 3. in fifteen hundred ninty and two, aged 63, and was buried in the inner Chappel of New Coll.159 2 [] 3. whose Epitaph you may read in Hist. & Antiq. Vniv. Oxon. lib. 2. p. 152. b. His posterity do live at this day at Ducklington near to Witney in Oxfordshire, some of whom have been Justices of the Peace for the said County.