Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 623

John Barbon

son of Euseb. Barbon of Holcott in Northamptonshire, was born there, admitted a poor Scholar of Exeter Coll, 7 Sept. 1640, aged 16 years, and took the degrees in Arts, that of Master being confer’d on him in Febr. 1647. The next year he was expel’d by the Visitors, and living afterwards in a mean condition, became much about the time of his Majesties Restauration Vicar of Dallington, and at length Rector of Pitchford commonly called Pisford, in Northamptonshire, where he ended his days. He hath written

The Liturgie a most divine service; in answer to a late Pamphlet stiled Common prayer-book no divine service. Wherein that Authors 27 reasons against Liturgies are wholly and clean taken away; his 69 Objections against our ven. Service-book are fully satisfied, &c. Oxon. 1663. qu. with a large preface to it.

Defence of Episcopacy.—This is printed with the former, and was wrot in way of answer to the said author’s 12 Arguments against the Bishops. This Writer, Mr. Barbon, who was well read in various Authors, died on the 23 of June in sixteen hundred eighty and eight,1688. and was buried in the Church at Pisford before mention’d. He had some time before wrot the life of his wife, but because there were some trifling stories in it, it was not printed.