Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 421

William Barlowe

, Son of Will. Barlowe, sometimes B. of Chichester (mentioned among these writers under the year 1568) was born, as it seems, in Pembrok [] shire, while his Father was Bishop of S. David, became a Com. of Ball. coll. about 1560, and four years after, took a degree in Arts: which being compleated by Determination, he left the University before he proceeded in that faculty, and afterwards travelling, became very well skill’d in the Art of Navigation. About the year 1573. he entred into the Sacred Function, was afterwards Prebendary of Winchester, Rector of Easton near to that City, Chaplain to Prince Henry, and at length Archdeacon of Salisbury: To which last he was collated, on the death of Dr. Ralph Pickover, on the 12. of March 1614. This was the person who had knowledge in the Magnet 20 years before Dr. Will. Gilbert published his book of that subject, and therefore by those that knew him, he was accounted superiour, or at least equal to that Doctor for an industrious and happy searcher and finder out of many rare and magnetical secrets. He was the first that made the inclinatory instrument transparent, and to be used pendant, with a glass on both sides, and a ring on the top, whereas Dr. Gilberts hath but of one side, and to be set on a foot. And moreover, he hang’d him in a Compass-box, where with two ounces weight it was made fit for use at Sea. Secondly, he was the first that found out and shewed the difference between Iron and Steel, and their tempers for Magnetical uses, which hath given life and quickning, universally to all Magnetical Instruments whatsoever. Thirdly, he was the first that shewed the right way of touching Magnetical Needles. Fourthly, he was the first that found out and shewed the piecing and cementing of Loadstones. And lastly, the first that shewed the reasons why a Loadstone being double capped, must take up so great weight. The books which he hath published for use are these.

The Navigators supply: containing many things of principal importance belonging to Navigation, with the description and use of divers instruments framed chiefly for that purpose, &c. Lond. 1597. qu. Dedic. to Rob. Earl of Essex.

Magnetical advertisements: or divers pertinent observations and approved experiments concerning the nature and properties of the Loadstone, &c. Lond. 1616. qu. Ded. to Sir Dudley Digges Knight, because of his rare learning, joyned with piety, and accompanied with a pleasing carriage towards every man; which were the chief reasons that caused all good men to love him. Upon the publication of this book, a certain Cantabrigian named Mark Ridley, Doctor of Physick and Philosophy, sometimes Physician to the English Marchants trading in Russia, afterwards chief Physician to the Emperour of that Country (as he entitles himself) and at length one of the eight Principals or Elects of the coll. of Physicians at London, made Animadversions upon it; whereupon our author came out in vindication of himself with this book.

A brief discovery of the idle animadversions of Mark Ridley Doct. in Physick, upon a treatise entit. Magnetical Advertisements—Lond. 1618. qu. What other things he hath written I know not as yet, nor any thing else of the said books, only that seven years before the Magnetical Advertisementt were published, he sent a copy of them in MS. to the learned Sir Tho. Chaloner, which he mislaying or embesling, he sent him, upon his desire, another copy, and that being imparted to others, the author afterwards, before its publication, met with many portraitures of his Magnetical implements, and divers of his propositions published in print in another mans name, and yet some of them not rightly understood by the party usurping them. He concluded his last day in sixteen hundred twenty and five, 1625 and was buried in the Chancel of the Church of Easton before mentioned. To his Archdeaconry of Salisbury was collated Tho. Marler on the 27. of June the same year, but who to his Prebendship of Winchester, I know not as yet. Soon after was an Epitaph put over Mr. Barlows Grave running thus. Depositum Gulielmi Barlowe Archideaconi Sarisburiensis, Prebendarii Ecclesiae Cath. Winton, & Rectoris Ecclesiae de Easton; qui cum sedulam per annos 52. aedificationi corporis christi navasset Operam, ad meliorem Vitam migravit Maii 25. An. Dom. 1625.