Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 606

Richard Barnes

, Son of Joh. Barnes, by Fridesmonda his Wife, daughter of Ralph Gifford of Cleydon in Buckinghamshire, was born at Bould near to Waryngton in Lancashire, admitted Fellow of Brasnose coll. by the authority of the Kings Council, 6. Edw. 6. Dom. 1552. where making a quick progress in Logick and Philosophy, took the degree of Master of Arts 1557. About that time he took holy Orders, and was made Minister of Staingrave in Yorkshire. In 1561, Jul. 12. he was admitted Chancellour of the Cath. Ch. of York in the place of Jeffry Downes D. of D. (who had succeeded in that dignity one Dr. Hen. Trafford, in Aug. 1537.) and about the same time was made Canon residentiary and Preb. of Laughton in the said Church, as also a publick Reader of divinity therein. About 1567. he was consecrated Suffragan Bishop of Nottyngham, in the Church of S. Peter at York, and in 1570. June 25. being elected to the See of Carlile, in the place of Jo. Best deceased, was confirm’d therein on the 7. Aug. following. In 1557. Apr. 5. he was elected to the See of Durham, was confirmed the 9. of May following, and was ever after a favourer of Puritanism. In Feb. 1579. he was actually created Doctor of divinity at Oxon, having taken the degree of Bachelaur in that Faculty at Cambridge, 1587 and dying in fifteen hundred eighty and seven, was buried in the Choire, sometimes called the Presbyterie, of the Cath. Ch. of Durham. Over his grave was a monument soon after put, with this inscription thereon. Reverendo in Christo Patri ac Domino, Dom. Richardo Barnes Dunelmensis Episcopo, Praesuli pio, docto, liberali, & munifico; P. S. precariss. P. P. P. P. Obiit xxiv. Aug. an. dom. 1587. aetatis suae 55.

Astra tenent animam, corpus hoc marmore clausum,

Fama polos penetrant, nomen nati atque nepotes

Conservant vivis semper post funera virtus.