Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 579

Miles Baron

alias Fitz-Gerald an Irish man-born, or at least of Irish extract, was bred a Canon regular of the order of S. Austin, and among those of his order in Oxon, (where they had three Monasteries) was for a time educated in Theological learning. Afterwards returning into Ireland, became Prior of Inistiock in the county of Kilkenny, and in 1527. was consectated Bishop of Ossory, with liberty then given to him to keep his Priorship in commendam. Before his consecration he built a new Campanile in his Monastery, as also a cloyster adjoyning, and after his consecration, he repaired the house at Kilkenny belonging to his See, and was a benefactor to his Church. He died in a good old age, in fifteen hundred and fifty, 1550 or as (*)(*) Jac. Waraeus in Com. de praesul. Hib. p. 148. others say in fifty one, and was buried in the Monastery of Inistiock before-mentioned, among his predecessors.