Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 553
William Barons
, Doctor (as it (c)(c) In fine eiusd. libri vel reg. Epistolam F. seems) of the Law, Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, and afterwards Master of the Rolls in the room of Dr. Will. Warham 1502, and one of the Kings Council, was, upon the translation of the said Dr. Warham to Canterbury, elected to the See of London: which being consented to by the King, the temporalities thereof were (d)(d) Pat. 2. Hen. 7. p. 1, m. 26. restored to him 13. Nov. 20. Hen. 7. Dom. 1504. He died in Oct. or Nov. in fifteen hundred and five,1505: and was buried in his own Church of S. Paul. He had studied the Laws in Oxon. and had presided the Chair, but in what hall or School it doth not appear. In his Bishoprick succeeded Richard Fitz James, as I shall hereafter tell you.