Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 1, p. 23

John Batmanson

, a Person most noted while living, for his great Piety and Learning, did, after he had been instructed in Sophistry, enter into the most holy Order of the Carthusians, abiding in the House commonly called the Charter-house near to London. In his elder Years he became the Head or Prior of that House, and about that time, or rather before, was conversant in the Theological faculty with us, but whether he took a degree therein, (tho supplicate he did to oppose in Divinity) it appears not. This Person being intimate with Dr. Edw. Lee, afterwards Archbish. of York, did, at his intreaty, write,

Animadversiones in annotat. Erasmi in Nov. Testam. Which animadversions he retracted in another piece.

Tract. contra a Doctrinam M. Lutheri. This also he retracted in another Book.

Comment. in Contica Canticorum. Proverbia Salomonis.

Institutions for Novices.

Of the contempt of the World.

De Christo duodeni, a Homily.—Other things he hath written which Jo. (e)(e) Ib. cent. 9. nu. 14. Baleus and Theod. (f)(f) In Bib. Cartus. ut sup. p. 157. Petreius do mention; the last of which saith that he died 16. Nov. in Fifteen hundred thirty and one, 1531 and that he was buried in the Chappel belonging to the Charter-house. John Houghton Prior of Beauvale in Nottinghamshire, sometimes a Carthusian of the said House, was elected Prior in his place, and about 4 Years after suffered death by hanging for denying the Kings Supremacy.