Athenæ Oxonienses. The History of Oxford Writers. Vol. 2, p. 666

William Bayly

a Scotch man born, obtained most of his learning in the University of Glascow, compleated it in this University of Oxon, returned to his native Country, but outed thence by the Covenantiers. Afterwards, if I mistake not, he went into Ireland, whence being driven by the rebellion that broke out in 1641, retired to Oxon, where his Majesty K. Ch. 1. had taken up his head quarter, and was by his Maj. command actually created Doctor of Div. in Feb. 1642. In the next year Rob. Dawson Bach. of Div. and Bishop of Clonfort and Kilmacogh in Ireland departing this mortal life at Kendal in Westmorland, (the place of his nativity) his Majesty was pleased to grant the said Bishopricks to Dr. Bayly before mention’d. Whereupon being consecrated at Oxon on the second day of May 1644, by Dr. Usher Archbishop of Armagh and two Irish Bishops, sate there, without any translation to another See, till the time of his death; which hapning ((l))((l)) Ibid in Jac. War. p. 268. at Clonfort before mention’d, on the eleventh day of Aug, in sixteen hundred sixty and four, was buried in the Cathedral Church there.1664. In the said Sees of Clonfort and Kilmacogh succeeded Edw. Wolley Doctor of Divinity, of whom I shall make mention in the Fasti, among the created Doctors of Div. an. 1642.